Thursday, October 11, 2007

Liam's Thoughts

Liam’s thoughts - see photo of his writing and a typed version below:

Turkey and Rhodes

When I was in (Turkey) I had a lot of feelings. I felt like I could not talk to people even though I could. My second feeling is that it is crowded. Small houses and lots of tourist(s) lead to it feeling crowded. I did not expect these feelings.
I realized my feelings where different than the actual experience. In Turkey almost everybody speaks English. It is not touristy everywhere in Turkey. I learned feelings and reality are not the same.
Hear are facts about Rhodes. Rhodes is a very touristy island. The second fact is that Rhodes is having a drought. I feel like I still have lots to learn about Rhodes.

English Words from Greek Myths

Greek meanings……………………………English Meaning

Helios – god of the sun………………………………………………helium
Echo – nymph forced only to repeat words said by others…………echo
Ceres or Demeter – god(dess) of (the) harvest………………………cereal

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