Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ollie steals Jolie's bed

The last twenty-four hours has been an endless dance or slow motion, silent turf war, at least from Ollie's perspective. Ollie seems to be the alpha pet. He is relentless and follows Jolie from room to room guarding his territory, which he feels is the entire house. Jolie basically ignores Ollie and does as she pleases. She is tired and wants to rest. Ollie sits right in front of Jolie and intensely stares her down. Jolie just tries to avoid confrontation. She has found the kitten food and definitely thinks it is almost as yummy as treats in the litter box.

This morning I cracked up when I came in the kitchen to find Jolie asleep on the wooden floor and a few feet away Ollie snuggled in the dog bed. How a several pound kitten gets away with stealing the over eighty-pound German Shepherd's bed is beyond me, but is exactly why we needed Jolie to be with us in New Zealand. Jolie is our sweet, kickback girl, and our best buddy. Every few minutes today Colin would say, " I can't believe Jolie is really here with us." We are all relieved she seems to have endured the travel and confinement and is adjusting to life as a Kiwi dog.

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