Carolyn here. We had a example of how laughter and humor transcends language barriers yesterday. We were eating pide (Turkish pizza) sitting at a small table at the edge of the cobbled stone main street. The road was bumpy and had a bit of an incline downhill away from the table. All of a sudden, well actually sort of in slow motion, my chair started to tilt into the street I tried to hold on to the table but almost pulled the little wooden table over. I had to let go and went sprawling into the street. I looked up at the stunned faces of my family and most of the market. Then everyone started to laugh. The waiter says “Mommy boom!" Luckily, I got off the ground before a picture could be taken for the blog.
Colin's 1st blog, "Mommy Boom" (see photo above): Mommy went boom! Mommy fell out of her chair. When Mommy fell, we laughed. We ate pizza. It was good.
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