As I drove the boys to school on the third day, Colin said in the most wistful voice, “ I miss my old life. I miss my school, especially my teachers and friends.”
All I could say was, “I know.” I was glad I was driving and facing forward where Colin couldn’t see my sad, wet eyes.
Now, two weeks into school, the mood has completely changed. Both boys have made friends. Colin has a core group of boys, some from his new class and some from last year’s class. He says he always has at least one friend to play with at recess. Liam has a new best friend, Scottie. He’s going to Scottie’s birthday party tomorrow after school. Liam noted this is the first time in New Zealand he has been invited to a friend’s house first (before he has invited the friend to our house).
This morning, waiting for the bus, Liam explained, “This year I just feel more Kiwi.”
Note: The photo has nothing to do with entry. Doug took the photo Monday evening (18 February). In the early mornings and evenings, low thin clouds stretch along the lake. They mesmerize us.
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