Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hey little sheep, you want a piece of me?

As I was perusing old photos for last night's blog entry, I came across one taken by Colin in 2005 that I thought I would share with you.

At the time of the photo we were staying at Whitestone Cottages in Methven. Colin celebrated his 5th birthday twice! August 5th was his birthday in New Zealand and we skied Mt. Hutt. August 6th was his birthday in the United States and we hiked the Rakaia Gorge Walkway. Colin's birthday present was a digital camera. Colin immediately headed outside and began to document the life and behavior of the Whitestone sheep which fascinated him. Today's photo was one of the first photos ever taken by Colin.

Unbeknownst to Colin, Doug and I followed Colin outside as he went to investigate the sheep. Colin walked right up to the fence, looked eye to eye with an old woolly sheep and said, "Hey little sheep, you want a piece of me?" Doug and I burst out laughing. I am not sure where Colin learned that phrase or if he knew what it meant.

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