Thursday, 17 December
The second day of the move was slower than the first. For one thing the rest of our stuff was in transit from Christchurch. The supervisor reached his allowable driving hours on the road back to Queenstown so he had to stop for the night. I was relieved. I much prefer to have him sleep and arrive tomorrow than for him to drive exhausted.
We spent the day unpacking. We shouldn’t have been surprised with what we found after the debacle of a packing job by the movers in Denver, but until we opened the boxes and unwrapped our belongings I had guess I had forgotten. I am fairly convinced that the movers just ran around our Denver house and randomly threw our belongings in boxes. Some items, like the mop and brooms, were carefully wrapped. Other more fragile pieces had no protective wrapping at all. At first, I was furious. The fact that I am literally on the other side of the world from our Denver moving company is probably a good idea at this point. As the day wore on Doug and I began to see the humor, the absurdity. My underwear was packed among the copper oil lamps and flowerpots. We brought everything from our home in Denver, including our trash and recycling. Luckily, there is recycling service here too. Today’s picture shows Doug’s silk ties. The packer must have removed them from the hanger, held them like a bunch of daisies and then wrapped them tight around the middle with packing tape. What was he thinking?
We keep reminding ourselves stuff is stuff, not worth getting worked up about. It’s not the stuff that irks me, however, it’s the lack of care. I am not going to name names, but anyone in Denver planning a move, email me and I will tell you which moving company not to use.
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