Poor Doug. He needs lots of support or relief after the last couple of months with me. Two events collided simultaneously in my life. First, I turned forty. Second, I have had a bumpy re-entry into the equine world. Remember a blog entry I wrote over a month ago about my new horse? Remember, how excited I was to have a horse once again? Well, that horse and I had a wild ride to say the least. The first vet visit, my sweet new horse spent most of the time on her hind legs, pawing the air with her forelegs. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and assumed that the alpaca were putting her on edge. But every bush we passed seemed to hide a lurking horse murderer. Okay, I thought I’ve handled many a crazy horse in my day, I can handle this one too. Then, I realized the relationship wasn’t going anywhere after three full-on, hunch-backed bronco bucks out of nowhere sent me flying literally head over heels through the air until I landed flat on my back. I lay in the dust with the wind knocked out of me and realized that I am too old for such a wild ride. I did get back on, but I knew that our relationship was over. The trust had been broken. Several days later, my new bronc returned to her former home. I think it was the first time that I have actually felt TOO OLD for something that at one time had been so natural. Riding during my teens, I never worried about falling off, getting thrown or flying through the air. I just wanted to race down the trail bareback with the wind streaming past. Now, I do worry. I think about my two boys, blah, blah, blah… For some crazy reason, I had assumed I would return to the saddle like I'd never left. Doug had to put up with my morose mood.
My horse left, just before my birthday. I admit that I have been a crazy woman. I think I have just wanted to prove to myself that I have lost the cowgirl in me. I have been looking, with more caution, for that perfect horse and driving all over the countryside to see prospective horses. I feel like I have been serial dating horses.
Just a week ago, my second new horse arrived. Over the winter, I am leasing a thoroughbred mare. She is fourteen years old and a dark bay. Based on our first few rides, she and I seem like a much better match. She could care less about the alpacas. She still has lots of go, but so far (crossing fingers) she has kept her four hooves closer to the ground. I am optimistic, however, I am taking this relationship slower. I'll keep you posted on our progress.
I feel like posting a personal ad: Friendly forty-year-old cowgirl looking for an energetic, but sensible, equine friend for long rides in the hills.
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